What is Renuvion (J-Plasma)
Renuvion (J-Plasma) is a skin tightening device that creates helium plasma by adding energy to the helium in its gaseous state. Helium is a stable light noble gas and does not require very much energy to become a plasma. The helium is passed across an energized electrode and creates a focused stream of low-current cold plasma. The excitation of the helium gas occurs very quickly and the plasma then cools instantaneously.
Surgical Techcique

Renuvion is a skin tightening device that utilizes Helium gas in a plasma form to tighten tissue.
A handpiece with a thin cannula is used to deliver the plasma to the tissues. The thin cannula is introduced beneath the skin and the plasma is released into the tissue. The plasma then causes the collagen to contract and results in skin tightening. The ability to deliver the plasma to the tissues below the skin surface prevents damage to the skin surface and results in skin tightening.

The Renuvion skin tightening device adds energy to the Helium gas to create plasma.
Our Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon Andre Levesque, MD performs skin tightening treatments using Renuvion (J-Plasma) at our office in Austin, TX.
Renuvion Reviews
Ideal Candidates
Renuvion (J-Plasma) tightens skin by causing the underlying collagen to contract. The most common areas that Renuvion is used to tighten skin are:
- Abdomen
- Arms
- Back
- Buttock
- Flanks
- Neck
- Inner Thighs
Renvuion skin tightening treatments can be done independently or in conjunction with other treatments like liposuction. Consultations with Dr. Levesque for treatment with Renuvion for skin tightening are done in our office in Austin, TX. At the consultation patients will meet Dr. Levesque and his staff. Dr Levesque will take a medical history and perform a physical exam to determine if skin tightening with Renuvion will benefit the patient. Dr. Levesque will discuss all treatment options for skin tightening depending on location (arms, abdomen, back, buttock, flanks, neck, thighs); and discuss other procedures, such as liposuction, that may provide the best aesthetic results for the patient.
Recovery Time
Skin tightening treatment times can vary from 1-3 hours depending on which areas are being done and how many areas are being done at a time. Dr. Levesque will determine the length of the procedure at the time of consultation.
Recovery from a Renuvion skin tightening treatment varies from patient to patient and also depends on the areas being treated. Most patients will experience some bruising and/or swelling immediately after a Renuvion skin tightening treatment. Most patients who have a Renuvion skin tightening treatment can resume physical activity or return to work within several days of having the procedure. Recovery time will vary from patient to patient and depends on areas of treatment and if multiple treatments/procedures are performed at one time. Dr. Levesque will discuss all recovery processes and recovery time at the time of consultation in our office in Austin, TX.
Renuvion provides immediate skin tightening during the procedure and the skin continues to tighten over the next 4-6 months. The small incisions made to introduce the thin cannula under the skin are approximately 5 mm in diameter and heal within 7-10 days. Dr. Levesque will discuss all aspects of the procedure and healing at the time of consultation. See our Before and After photos .